Box Hot Killer-Ade Blue Razz Shocker
Blue Razz drink mix ranks 13th of 30 in top sellers, Box Hot is 5th of 20 in top brands. Tasty but overly sugary product.

Hey pancakenap here, talking about Box Hot Killer-Ade Blue Razz Shocker.
This is a drink mix product. The package gives instructions on how to mix it with water. Other drink mix powders use varying instructions, you can look back to when Squid Pants reviewed The Green Organic Dutchman’s Ripple Quicksticks, their instructions were to put the powder on your tongue.
Grabbed this one from Canna Cabana for $3.47 (net weight is 11.5g) which is their marked down price. They show the regular price at $5.99 for this product. Producer is Motif Labs. Content is 10mg of THC.
Ingredients are: Sugars (sugar, maltodextrin), Citric acid, Gum Arabic,Baking soda, Salt, Sucralose, Sorbitol, polysorbate 80, Cannabis extract, FD&C Red 40, FD&C Blue 1, and artificial flavour.
Dietetic Run down
Had a Registered Dietician look at the product’s ingredient list. They called it “🙁 quite artificial” and made these comments:
- 12 ingredients
- Artificial flavour, colour, and sweeteners
- Sweetened with sugar, Sucralose, sorbitol
- Gum arabic stabilizer
- Polysorbate 80 is emulsifier
- Citric acid for tartness and preservation
The directions call for one cup of water. Mixes in about 3 minutes with a spoon. Yields a semi-transparent blue liquid. The instructions say “Stir until clear” but I didn’t think it would ever get it fully transparent, even if you mixed it with a paint mixer. I notice there is some froth on top (due to a reaction with acidic components and the baking soda?).
The taste is a lot to take in, it is like drinking a blue Sour Kid. The frontage on the tastes is sweet, and the finish is stingingly sour, like bad lemonade. I’m not sure, but it think it may be eroding my esophagus as I type this. Taste is sweet and sour blue raspberry, at least I think its raspberry.
Has a slight cannabis taste but is so slight amongst the other tastes that I am skeptical of my own senses.
The taste of this product is a full on assault to everything above your lower esophageal sphincter. Teeth to taste buds, soft tissue to enamel; Blue Razz is going to burn through like a corrosive wild fire. There are bright sides: once it mixes with the hydrochloric acid in your stomach you don’t notice it so much.
I’m not sure if this product is the healthiest choice. Take that with a grain of salt, this is the first drink mix review I’ve done. When I asked if this was healthier than the XMG Root Beer I reviewed alongside this product the dietician told me that neither are healthy but they’d choose the Root Beer because it had more natural ingredients.
If someone were to ask me about this product I’d steer you towards an ingestible oil or capsule instead. If you want to ingest 10mg of THC there are probably better ways to do it. This was a fun experience but you can reproduce it by taking a capsule and preparing tea, which is cheaper and healthier for you.

Market Information
by CannStandard
Market Information
Next we bring in several market measures for this item using data from CannStandard. This data was obtained from public listings for legal cannabis products in Canada. We've provided the data as they were in the last complete month they were available (November 2023).
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Days Active
The first date we can find the product listed and the number of days since then.

Provinces Listed
The count of provinces we can find this product listed in.

Market Average Price
The average price of this item at the stores we can find it listed in.

Store Count
The count of stores we can find this item listed at.

Monthly Sales
The sum of the observed change in inventory multiplied by the price of this item across all stores.

Monthly Sell-Through Per Store
The sum change in inventory for this item divided by the number of stores that list it.

Monthly Sales Per Store
The sum of observed sales for this item divided by the number of stores that list it.

Share of Total Sales
The sum of sales for this item as a percentage of all sales we track. The static average is shown on the left and the monthly average is shown on right.

Cumulative Sales
The cumulative sum of tracked sales for this item. The static sum is shown on the left and the monthly sum is shown on right.

November 2022 Top Selling Products
This product ranked 13th on CannStandard's flower top 30 sellers list for November 2022.

November 2022 Top Selling Brands
Box Hot Killer-Ade appears 5th on the top 20 brands for November 2022.

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