Squid Pants' Schnazzleberry

Squid Pants' Schnazzleberry

Hey pancakenap here with another home grown cannabis flower gifted to me by a Canadian grower.

Today we’re looking at another cross by Squid Pants, this one is called Schnazzleberry.


Squid Pants




Chimera Genetics




I received this product vacuum sealed by Squid Pants out of curiosity, with no intention of writing a formal review. However, upon inspection, I found it visually appealing and decided to share my tasting experience. Although the vacuum bag slightly affected its surface detail, the item displayed a pleasing colour and shape overall.


Scents are soft wood, spice and tart berry. The wood tone and snappy spice shows more than tones berry, giving the profile a varnished wood character.


Tastes are a citrus lemon pine that finishes with a milky vanilla wood tone that carries some cinnamon heat. The profile made me sneeze twice which was very relieving. With use, it dries down in the sweet vanilla woods, which made me feel a bit more mature and sophisticated than actual.


Big thanks to Squid Pants for providing the cannabis for this review. Look back to his grow of Exotic’s Three in the Pink for more!