Victoria Cannabis Company G Wagon

Victoria Cannabis Company G Wagon

Looking at G Wagon today, grown by Victoria Cannabis Company and processed into Alberta through Pistol and Paris.

I've been keeping an eye out for this one mainly because Taylor King is the head grower at the Victoria Cannabis Company. I've seen on Twitter that they're having the breeder visit the facility to check out some of their cultivars in the growing process.


I also saw 33 Splitter from True Fire and Co. and liked it so much that I wanted to buy the seeds from Umami, but I can't find them available. So it always left me wanting more. So I'm pretty predisposed to this offering in multiple ways, like the grower, like the breeder left, hanging and wanting more.

So I've been keeping an eye out for this thing. I'm in Alberta, where there are a few larger chain stores and some smaller independent ones; some franchise, some sole locations. So you kind of have to search and keep a lookout on your own. Hi Buddy is here, just not with great coverage.

Anyway, I see this for 70 bucks, a little bit expensive for a quarter, but I keep on thinking about it. So, I think, "Oh, why not? Let's go grab it." I head on over to a store I've never been to before; Dank, and it's just across the street from my usual Canna Cabana.


Visually, it's really good. I couldn’t get it out of the packaging just by dumping it, which is atypical for legal Canadian cannabis.

There’s no humidity pack inside, which I like. I know some people like the humidity pack, and I respect that. I’m not a fan. I use a dry herb vaporizer, and I prefer my cannabis to be fresh. I can take it with average water content; I can have it a bit on the dry side, but when I see that humidity pack flopping out of the package, it's never a good sign.

Anyway, the bud structure is fabulous. One is very chunky, and the others look just as well developed but they are lower and a bit smaller.


The smell is traditional gassy OG that leans more into the Kush tones. Years of smelling cakey-OGs tend to influence my interpretation, but I’d tell you this is closer to the 2000s era OG Kush with a heavy gas, thick resinous pine, and kushy lowers. Pronunciation is good; it’s loud and doesn’t slouch with respect to its price tag.


The cakey notes come through prominently in the taste. I'd describe them as cakey, modified by lavender, liquorice, and tarry rubber. With use in the vaporizer, it trades out the harsher tarry anise elements for more cake-like flavors. It has hybrid tastes, a mix of aggressive and calm notes. I'd call it friendly, but it rides the fence, so you may feel differently.


Price has been trending downwards in Canada for years, this doesn't follow suit so it feels against the grain. The price was about $10 a gram for a quarter-ounce package. It's about 40% higher than I usually pay for this package size.

Initially, when I saw that price, I hesitated a bit. I considered settling for a $50 quarter that I wasn't as excited about. However, I ultimately decided to take the leap and buy it anyways, and I'm glad I did. Now, I'm not really thinking about the money I spent; I'm focused on the product I got, and I'm really looking forward to spending time with it. But let's see if that feeling lasts when I go to finish up this package.


This one was memorable. I loved the taste and performance but I can't forget how good this looked when I opened it. It made a great first impression. If I saw this in an ounce bag with a semi-decent price, I'd have to buy it.