Victoria Cannabis Company After Eighth

Victoria Cannabis Company After Eighth

Cultivar: After Eighth

Genetic Lineage: Legends OG x Cookies

Breeder: Chimera Genetics

Brand: Victoria Cannabis Company

Producer: Otoka Holdings

House Name: After Eighth

Buyer Motivation: Like the breeder and parents

Visual Rating: Good

Tactile Rating: Good

Olfaction Rating: Neutral

Rating: 7/10, -5.97% ▼ than average

Visual Description: Looks great and well cared for. Trimmed well. I received a mix of small and medium buds.

Smell Description: Smell was noticeable as soon as the package was ripped

Taste Description: The taste can be underwhelming at first impression. Flavours revolve around an earthy frontage with a sweet doughy finish. There isn't much magnitude or prominence to the profile but there is very good longevity. I use it in a dry herb vape and I found the flavour profile maintained much longer than usual.

Summary: Didn't surpass some of the other offerings within this flavour profile.

Value: Price is on the high side.

Recommendable: No

Price: $53.91, 3.2% ▲ average

Price Per Gram: $7.70 per gram

Package Size: 7g

Product Type: Whole Flower

Vendor: Mendo Cannabis

Market: Medical

Terpenes: 1.82%, -35.6% ▼ lower than average

Total Cannabinoids: 29.1%, 4.9% ▲ higher than average

THC: 29.1%

CBD: 0.0%

Dominant Cannabinoid: THC Dominant

Price per 100mg Cannabinoids: $2.64, 0.3% ▲ higher than average

Container: Mylar Bag

Seal: Mylar

Date Packaged: June 7,2024

Date Purchased: July 3, 2024

Days Packaged When Purchased: 26, -54%▼lower than average

Date Reviewed: July 25, 2024

Days Since Purchase: 22, 26% ▲ higher than average

Six Month Moving Averages

Price for a 7g Package: $45.87

Price Per Gram for a 7g Package: $7.47

Price per 100mg for a 7g Package: $2.63

Whole Flower Product Cannabinoid Content: 27.8%

Whole Flower Product Terpene %: 2.82%

Whole Flower Product Rating: 7.444

Days Packaged When Purchased: 56.86

Days After Purchase Date: 20.57