sugarbud Mule Fuel

sugarbud Mule Fuel

A unique flavour profile is the centrepiece of sugarbud’s rendition of Thug Pug’s Mule Fuel, which brings good quality at a price about 10% over the average I’ve paid for a 3.5g package.

Hey pancakenap here, doing a version of Thug Pug’s Mule Fuel, grown by sugarbud.

Purchase Setup

My fiancee is involved with a secret shopping organization and a request for someone to shop Spirit Leaf came up one day. So she was asking I needed to purchase anything, and she would buy it while completing secret shopping gig. I decided Spinach Rockstar Kush, but had seen a few reviews of this Mule Fuel, so I gave it as a back up.

For the secret shopping protocol; first there was an ID component, she had to see if they checked ID. Then a discussion with the budtender needed to happen about any of the products. She went in under a pretty honest pretense, that she was purchasing the cannabis as a gift, and was considering both offerings I mentioned above.

Budtender Recommendation 

As you can probably tell, they didn’t decide to go with the Spinach Rockstar, they chose this Sugarbud Mule Fuel. In retrospect, it was probably the right thing to do, for a gift. Mostly for the small touches, the glass jar, and the flower has a unique profile.

Price difference between the two offerings was $6, or about 20% of the total price in this package size. The bud tender also mentioned sugarbud was a small producer, while Spinach was a ‘big’ producer.

So here we go with Mule Fuel.


All the Breath ‘strains’ should share a Mendo Breath parent, or a derivative of (according to me). There are some that don’t. Further back in the Mendo Breath lineage is something called Mendo Montage (by Gage Green), and there’s a specific cut called Lurch, that is one of the parents used in this Mule Fuel. The other counterpart is GMO, and Thug Pug was the breeder.


I called the visuals neutral, I was on the fence about it. They’re really good actually, but there’s some small buds included. The bud has interesting colouring, not attractive, but interesting. Surface details are a mix of good and bad, overall structure is really good (on the larger buds).


Was great.


Frontage is acrid pine, it’s a tad disturbing to the senses, before the midrange, which is minty nail polish. The base seems to be berry and bitter soil.


I found the tastes to be minty fuel, with pine, and an herbal, pepper, clove mixture which gives the profile a green feel. Pronunciation and longevity are both great.


I knocked it for the smaller buds, giving the visuals a neutral. Everything else is top notch and there’s no way I could make a case for a detraction in the feel or the scent/taste.


Value is calculated as ‘above average’, I felt like that’s accurate.


Overall, quality is good in the right places. I’d relate the smaller bud sizes was the only component to feel bad about, which was representative of a fraction of the weight in this package. The price I paid is higher than average but I still found value there.

Market Information

by CannStandard

Market Information

Next we bring in several market measures for this item using data from CannStandard. This data was obtained from public listings for legal cannabis products in Canada. We've provided the data as they were in the last complete month they were available (November 2023).

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Check out our SKU level outline at this link.

Days Active

The first date we can find the product listed and the number of days since then.

Data Refreshed Dec 6 2023

Provinces Listed

The count of provinces we can find this product listed in.

Data Refreshed Dec 6 2023

Market Average Price

The average price of this item at the stores we can find it listed in.

Data Refreshed Dec 6 2023

Store Count

The count of stores we can find this item listed at.

Data Refreshed Dec 6 2023

Monthly Sales

The sum of the observed change in inventory multiplied by the price of this item across all stores.

Data Refreshed Dec 6 2023

Monthly Sell-Through Per Store

The sum change in inventory for this item divided by the number of stores that list it.

Data Refreshed Dec 6 2023

Monthly Sales Per Store

The sum of observed sales for this item divided by the number of stores that list it.

Data Refreshed Dec 6 2023

Share of Total Sales

The sum of sales for this item as a percentage of all sales we track. The static average is shown on the left and the monthly average is shown on right.

Data Refreshed Dec 6 2023

Cumulative Sales

The cumulative sum of tracked sales for this item. The static sum is shown on the left and the monthly sum is shown on right.

Data Refreshed Dec 6 2023

December 2021 Top Selling Products

sugarbud Mule Fuel didn't rank on CannStandard's flower top 30 sellers list for December 2021.

Data Refreshed Dec 6 2023
Check out our list of Top Selling Products and Brands at this link.

December 2021 Top Selling Brands

sugarbud does not appear on the top 20 brands for December 2021.

Data Refreshed Dec 6 2023


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