Pure SunFarms Area 51

Pure SunFarms Area 51

Hello thanks for joining me today for some Pure SunFarm's Area 51. I picked up this one on sale as an add-on when I was purchasing the BIG Quarter.

Here is the unboxing of the product:


Pure SunFarms identifies this strain as Mac1 and Gas Cake cross. Gas Cake appears to be a hybrid, combining Jungle Cake and High Octane.

As a side note, Jungle Cake can also be found in the Canadian market through MTL.


The visuals of this product are actually quite impressive. When I brought out the package, I noticed a few instances of trim left, but the bud size was very good, especially for a $19 purchase.


The texture of the bud feels firm but slightly squishy.


The bud has a scent that's reminiscent of sickly creamy notes, almost like buttered popcorn. However, when the flower is ground, it unleashes a fruitier aspect, giving it a feel akin to a fuzzy cherry with a hint of funk.


The taste profile consists of dry pine and sweet resin, accompanied by skunky gas. Towards the tail end, there's a hint of spicy heat reminiscent of cinnamon. It then transitions into a woodsy vanilla-nut sweetness. Overall, the character is quite gritty, with an eclectic mix of flavours.


This cannabis offers fairly good quality at an affordable price, making it a favorable choice for consumers. The flavor profile is good and quite familiar, fitting well within mainstream popularity. While some may argue that its common tastes could be a drawback (I find myself speculating on this often), given the prevalence of 'cakey' flavors in the market, it's important to acknowledge that this is one of the cheaper and well-produced options available, making it an obvious choice when seeking this flavour character.

Product Stats

The date of this review was September 18, 2023, which was 14 days after the purchase.

Package Date

I purchased this product on September 4, 2023, and the packaging date was June 5, 2023. This means it spent approximately 91 days in the package, which is about 8% less than the average we observe in the recreational market, typically around 98.33 days.


The price I paid for this 3.5-gram package was $18.99, which translates to $5.43 per gram. This price is notably 42% lower than the current average we observe for a 3.5-gram package, typically priced at $9.31 per gram.


The cannabinoid content is indicated as 25.2% THC and 0.0% CBD. This is notably 21.2% higher than the average we've observed during the course of these reviews, which typically hovers around 20.8% THC combined with CBD.

Pure SunFarms Review History

This is the 12th Pure Sun Farms product I've reviewed. Out of those 12 reviews, six were for 3.5-gram packages of flower. Across those six reviews, I've paid an average of $5.76 per gram, which is 38.1% lower than the average price we typically pay for a 3.5-gram package, which is $9.31 per gram.

Here's a quick look at the 3.5 gram products I've purchased by their brands and markets of origin. This figure is heavily weighted towards the recreational market.

Bud Bar Purchase History

On average, the flower products I've purchased from Bud Bar have spent approximately 109 days in the package before purchase. This is about 11% higher than the average packaging time we currently observe, which is around 98 days.

Market Information

Next we bring in several market measures for this item using data from CannStandard. This data was obtained from public listings for legal cannabis products in Canada. I've provided the data as they were on September 30 2023. Contact us for more information about our market intel.

Days Active

The first date we can find the product listed and the number of days since then.

Data Refreshed September 30 2023

Provinces Listed

The count of provinces we can find this product listed in.

Data Refreshed September 30 2023

Market Average Price

The average price of this item at the stores we can find it listed in.

Data Refreshed September 30 2023

Store Count

The count of stores we can find this item listed at.

Data Refreshed September 30 2023

Monthly Sales

The sum of the observed change in inventory multiplied by the price of this item across all stores.

Data Refreshed September 30 2023

Monthly Sell-Through Per Store

The sum change in inventory for this item divided by the number of stores that list it.

Data Refreshed September 30 2023

Monthly Sales Per Store

The sum of observed sales for this item divided by the number of stores that list it.

Data Refreshed September 30 2023

Share of Total Sales

The sum of sales for this item as a percentage of all sales we track.

Data Refreshed September 30 2023

Cumulative Sales

The cumulative sum of tracked sales for this item.

Data Refreshed September 30 2023


Thank you for taking the time to read through the market data. If you are part of the industry, whether you have a store or a product in the market, and you'd like to receive this information via email, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at info@cannstandard.ca. We are also here to assist with any inquiries you may have regarding the data or our reporting. Your feedback and questions are always welcome.