Dirty Dick's Hot Sauce

Hey, I’m doing hot sauce reviews now. It’s something I started getting into this year. I’ve always liked hot sauce, but I never really looked beyond Frank’s. I recently started buying different varieties and trying them on scrambled eggs, so I thought I’d do something similar to my cannabis reviews, where I track purchase price variations from the average across a few measures.
I provide all the purchase stats, a rating out of 10, and a quick comment about how I liked the sauce. The goal is to highlight sauces that are of better-than-average quality while considering price variance.

Dirty Dick's Hot Sauce
The first review I’ll do is for the most accessible hot sauce I’ve tried so far, Dirty Dick’s Hot Sauce. It bills itself as the world’s greatest hot sauce, which, according to them, is not a brag but a fact. While I probably don’t agree that it’s the world’s greatest hot sauce, I do admire their claim, and I share the sentiment.
When it works, it works really well and offers a good dimension of taste because it includes some fruitier aspects like prune and raisin, which you can really taste. It balances the sweetness with a mild amount of heat, and that’s what makes it so accessible. I found it works best on chicken and teriyaki-style dishes, but since I like to use hot sauce on scrambled eggs and potatoes, this one doesn’t quite work for that. It’s not something I need to rush out and re-buy, but now that the bottle is empty, I sometimes miss having it around.
I rated it 4 / 10, nearly 30% less than average. A bottle was $13.00. By volume I paid about 15% more than average.