Tweed Donegal

We look at Tweed’s Chemdawg today, which they call Donegal, and sell the offering under their self-titled line.
Check back to my grow review of Humboldt Seed Organization’s Chemdawg for information on the lineage and pictures of the plant I grew. We also checked out JWC’s version of the cultivar previously. If you chose not to look back, know that Chemdawg is a legendary cultivar with a quaint origin story. If you appreciate cannabis, it is a cultivar you should be aware of.
Active content ranged between 17% and 27% THC with a negligible amount of CBD, the container I received was mid-range, 22% THC with <1% CBD.
Packaging date on this container is February 26 2019, and were reviewing its contents, 88 days later.
Relative terpene graph is relatively balanced, about 25% A/B pinene, mycrene and caryophyllene each, with other terpenes taking the remaining 25%. Again, this tells us nothing about the actual terpene content, just the amounts relative to each other. If we contextualized cannabinoid content in the same way, I’d say THC represents 96% of all cannabinoids present.
Visuals on these buds underwhelm. The buds I received area smaller, conical and slightly jagged. Up close, they don’t look so great, I can see small, immature seeds marking the smooth fascia.
By touch, this Chemdawg pleasing, there is a slight spongy give to them. The condition is actually pretty impressive, especially for Tweed.
Grinds to finer particles that maintain some semblance of cohesion. A small amount of immature seed can be seen flecking the lime green grinds, otherwise, I regard these favourably… I expected it to be worse.
Scents of these flowers are more herbal than gassy but it does have a slight bite. There’s some low tone musk and pine present with resettable depth.
Heat unlocks a bit of grit within the Chemdawg profile. Opening bright, edges of citrus fruit begin to show the acidic side to the profile, supported by the strong pine notes and lower musks. The character touches on ruggedness but ends up staying conservatively safe.
I thought longevity was good, provided adequate vapour and flavours, with the citrus tones outlasting the rest of the profile. Pronunciation was also slightly above my idea of average, I’d tell you the character had a bit of strength behind it.
Price on this single gram of Chemdawg is $12.50, on par with the average in the store I purchased it from ( This is one of the better offerings I’ve seen from Tweed. Quality is nowhere near epic, but in terms of offerings I’ve seen from this particular store, it’s respectable, but still overpriced if you ask me. Let’s check to see how it looks at web stores around.
Tweed’s Donegal can be found under $10 in some places, certainly not the most affordable price but it is comparatively attractive in some markets. You have to make the choice for yourself but at the price I paid, $12 per single gram, I feel less favourable about the purchase.
Tweed’s HousePlant brand also features Chemdawg under their sativa category, so I’ll be interested to see how it differs from the offering we’ve seen here.