Can We TF Pink Kush

TF Pink Kush From Can We
It’s Squid Pants here and we need to have a little talk. This isn’t Pink Kush, this is Tom Ford Pink Kush. Tom Ford Pink Kush is, from my perspective, simply inferior. More than once I’ve gotten what I thought was Pink Kush, was disappointed and then looking closer I realised I’d been suckered into buying a Tom Ford Pink Kush again.
Well, this time I went in with eyes wide open and as such I am going to judge it for what it is, not what I wish it was.

Tom Ford Pink Kush
Tom Ford Pink Kush is a Pink Kush cross. It’s sold as if it’s Pink Kush, but it’s not. Leafly thinks the lineage is Death Bubba X Pink Kush, though it’s impossible to find definitive references and Leafly is often wrong so there’s a question mark there. For growers I am led to believe it’s a far easier to grow plant with higher yields while retaining many characteristics Pink Kush lovers cherish. It’s not the same though, the tastes are wrong or too faint from the Pink Kush side to satisfy me.
I can’t blame a grower for choosing this variety instead of true Pink Kush, besides, it gives me a windmill to tilt at.
Can We
Can We is an LP fully owned by New Maple Holdings and grows their product here in Southern Ontario. That’s really all I could find, their website immediately forwards to the holding company. They had one other offering, a Sweet Bubba if I’m not mistaken, but they don’t seem too concerned with advertising to potential consumers, just potential investors, so I couldn’t double check that.
This is a really rare beast these days, an actual 1 gram package! This is another purchase from the good folk at Scarlet Fire Cannabis, and the budtender noted there was an explanation as to why they had 1 gram packs instead of 3.5 grams, but I was happy to be able to try more of a sample size amount to see if I was going to like it or not to listen. Package itself is a mylar bag.
By the numbers total THC is listed as a very believable 22.4%. Also believable terpenes are listed as 3.34% overall, with the three dominant ones that were tested for being Farnesene, Trans-Caryophyllene and d-Limonene.
So, it got a bit squished it seems. Trichome coverage still looks great and the colouring was luxurious. It looks like the trim was a bit looser than I like, some obvious leaf left on but at least it was clearly hand trimmed. I’m pretty sure the buds had good structure, but, well, squished.
I can’t really properly evaluate in this domain either again because it got smooshed flat. It was probably nicely dense already before that and probably had good return when reasonably compressed but was in fact rock hard. Humidity was a little low but it ground nicely with even, fluffy and sticky grinds. Rolling a joint was a pleasure.
I have found that for a really good Pink Kush, there’s a scent and taste of either Cream Soda or Champagne, either of which is also sweetly floral. Tom Ford Pink Kush has just the floral element, which is nice but not quite what I crave. Since I knew what this was though there is no docking of points, it’s allowed to be what it is, and enjoyed or not on its own merits.
Unground the smell is savoury but with a teeny hint of above described floralness to the profile. It’s a tease, but a tease you can’t miss. Ground, the character expresses more herbaceous and kushy, with fuel more than subtly making its presence known. The florals now take a back seat to some less welcoming but still very appealing scents.
Volcano: More savoury and kushy, harder to pick out the floral tastes. Pronunciation is moderate. Longevity is average
Joint: For this flower this was my preferred method. All the sweeter and floral notes are more detectable and was a pretty short roach before the combustion products made it taste bitter.
Price and Value
After a 10% discount and before taxes I paid $9.13 for a one gram package. In recent times I’ve paid quite a bit more per gram for equivalent quality. Cannabinoids-for-the-money wise you are paying about $4.08 per 100mg of THC.
The budtender said this was the nicest Pink Kush [derivative] he’d had in a long time regardless of market. Despite my personal tastes, I really do have to agree. In fact I would love to find a true Pink Kush of this quality.
Plenty of people really like Tom Ford Pink Kush though, and there’s definitely a lot to like here. Add in the sane price and it’s hard to argue against this one.
This is mighty nice.
Just don’t try and tell me it’s Pink Kush.